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Terry Hooper-Scharf

Saturday 23 April 2011

Green Lantern -Secret Origins

Green Lantern: Secret Origins
Geoff Johns and Ivan Reis
Titan Books New Edition -Hardcover 25th March (9780857682802) £14.99
New Edition Paperback 27th May, 2011 (9780857682819) £10.99
Size: 258 x 170 mm
Full Colour

Witness the beginning of the career of the bravest Green Lantern who’s ever lived as the secret origin of Hal Jordan is revealed. Discover how and why Hal received the power ring. Uncover the mystery of Abin Sur’s death. Find out why Jordan’s teacher and mentor, Sinestro, became obsessed with the prophecy of the apocalyptic end of the universe “the Blackest Night”.

I know that Green Lantern is hot at the moment and the comics have been doing great.  And now a movie.  I’ve heard lots of moans about the movie but, perhaps, people ought to wait until its release!

You’ll notice that the cover is very movie-based.  And why not -tie-ins with movies sells books and there is an exclusive movie feature item in this book.

Geoff Johns is a brilliant writer.  He can tell a story and pace it just right, so I have no quibbles here.  We see what inspired Hal Jordan to want to become a fly-boy and the family rifts that caused.  But, if you decide that you really want to let your siblings know you are the Green Lantern how do you go about it?  Buy the book and see!

Ivan Reis is also a top man and Oclair Albert does a great inking job.  As for colour, well Randy Mayor does a brilliant job and Rob Leigh’s lettering is spot on.  From the every-day trials and tribulations to taking on the Green Lantern mantle and all that entails this is a great book.

All comics should be this good.

As a present or to add to your comic collection this is a great book and I’ve already gone through it three times!

And, come on, don’t tell me you’ve never pretended to create a big green power-ring fist to bop your boss or some idiot over the head?  Ever played Power-Ring “Rocks, Paper, Scissors”? Fuuun!

This is it, folks -the first bona fide mainstream comic to be reviewed on CBO II.  Remember this day!

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