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Terry Hooper-Scharf

Monday 20 June 2011



While Gavin waited for the latest Chung Ling Soo script I needed to keep him busy!  And it just so happened that I found a script from 1993 featuring the UKs first supernatural sleuth/detective -Dene Vernon.
Set in the late 1940s, Vernon is recovering from a previous case when he is called upon to investigate mystery deaths in London dockland. Despite the assistance of one of the Silvermaigne family, famous werewolf, demon and vampire hunters, it looks as though the threat of Lorimed may be the Man of Mystery’s last….
Did Gavin want to draw it?  Yes! This 52 pager includes a text back-up feature.

So, for those of you who still haven’t ordered a copy (why not?) here are a few pages.
Art (c)2011 G. Ross/BTCG

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