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Terry Hooper-Scharf

Tuesday 14 June 2011

Madam Samurai takes Best Digital Comic prize at LA New Media Film Festival

Volume Two to launch at Birmingham Comic-Con

Scar Comics and the creators behind Madam Samurai are delighted to announce that Volume One took the Best Digital Comic prize at the May 2011 LA New Media Film Festival, an event described as “Sundance for the Facebook generation”.

Work on Madam Samurai: Volume Two is progressing well, and Scar Comics plan to launch the book on August 27th at the new Birmingham Comiccon 2011 BC. The action-packed sequel concludes the story of a female samurai warrior who travels to Victorian London on a mission of vengeance.

Fans will be pleased to hear that the original creative team are reunited, with Empire award-winning screenwriter Gary Young (known for Michael Caine thriller Harry Brown) and Eagle award-winning artist David Hitchcock (Springheeled Jack) working together to complete the Madam Samurai origin story in style.

Madam Samurai: Volume One received highly complimentary reviews from websites and publications such as Ain’t It Cool News, 2000 AD, The Judge Dredd Megazine, Tripwire, Geek Syndicate, Zedura Magazine, Geeks Of Doom, and Comics Legend Dez Skinn

Ain’t It Cool News said of Volume One; “This is a very cool origin story by writer Gary Young… a story of a badass samurai vixen and there are copious amounts of action and blood. I can’t wait to see her enact some swift samurai vengeance in future volumes. Highly recommended.”

Geek Syndicate said; “Madam Samurai is so stunningly drawn that it convinced me to break my resolution to complete one circuit of the Bristol Comics expo floor before opening my wallet.”

You can find out more about the Madam Samurai graphic novels at the following links:

·        Madam Samurai Facebook page

·        Madam Samurai Twitter

·        The official website

·        You can also visit YouTube to enjoy the Madam Samurai trailer.



Please contact Scar Comics / 01952 770013


For more information visit:


Gary Young is a UK based screenwriter with five produced feature films to his credit, including Harry Brown starring Sir Michael Caine. Gary has been a great fan and collector of comic books since childhood, but Madam Samurai is his first venture onto writing one. It’s been such a rewarding experience that he’s now developing more comic books alongside his slate of feature projects.

Read more about Gary at:


David Hitchcock has been drawing comics for as long as he can remember, but only deemed them suitable for public consumption in the mid 90s. In 1999 he self published his first graphic novel masterpiece Spirit of the Highwayman meeting critical acclaim from the world of comics.

David’s instantly noticeable style returned for such favourites as his spin on Jack the Ripper with the superb Whitechapel Freak, and then again picking up a coveted Eagle Award in 2005 for Springheeled Jack. In 2008 he published a collection of his best short comic strips called Gothic much to the delight of fans at the British International Comics Show as queues for his sketches rivalled those of comic’s legend Michael Golden.

You will also find David’s work in the Accent UK anthologies illustrating the stories of Leah Moore and John Reppion. You can read David’s blog at


Gael is an up-and-coming UK based producer with a slate of genre films in development including Madam Samurai. She came up with the initial concept for the story and commissioned Gary Young to write it. When he then suggested that the script was also perfect graphic novel material Gael sought out a publisher, discovered the ideal partner in Scar Comics – and the rest is history! She is a big fan of fantasy and adventure stories and now has plans to develop more of her script concepts into graphic novels, games and other media.

Scar Comics is a Shropshire based publisher specialising in creator owned graphic novels of multiple genres. They have published critically acclaimed and award winning books including Falling Sky and Dead By Dawn and helped to launch the career of various writers and artists by giving them a creative platform and opportunity to reach a wider readership. They also specialise in helping multi media companies develop their properties into the medium of comics and graphic novels. Read more at


Described as Sundance for the Facebook generation, the New Media Film festival is held annually in Los Angeles during the month of May and features the best creative content crossing screens from silver to mobile. The New Media Film Festival also holds satellite events in San Francisco in November then syndicates ‘Best In Category’ winners across the country.

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