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Terry Hooper-Scharf

Thursday 1 December 2011

Kaamelott 6: Le Duel des Mages (The Duel Of The Magicians)

Alexandre Astier (W)  Steven Dupre (A) & Benoit Baekert (Colours)
Editions Casterman
Full colour
12.95 Euro

Okay, there are enough Camelot/King Arthur/ Merlin TV,film, book and comic spin offs so change the location to King Arthur’s Kaamelott and what do you get?

Well, we get to see the action and adventures but what about the every day dullness between those battles when the heroic band has to deal with petty rivalries, professional arguements and, well, tedium?

Again, looking through the book I realised that this was not entirely straight story-wise but rather quirky.  I’m going to have to learn more French because the art alone tells the story but I want to understand some of the snappy dialogue a bit more because from what I can understand this is quite humorous.

It’s volume 6 but I’m glad I’ve seen this book and if you are an Arthurian comic completist you ought to enjoy this and there is a warning: never ever think that you are safe enough to throw insults from high wooden towers.  Lightning. Word. ;-)

and good old Sebchoq has been in touch to say the books are based on a popular animated TV show.


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