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Terry Hooper-Scharf

Thursday 15 December 2011

Thorgal: The Invisible Fortress –The BEST Yet!!

Thorgal – The Invisible Fortress
Authors: Rosinski & Van Hamme   Colour work by Graza
Age: 15 years and up
Size: 18.4 x 25.7 cm
Number of pages: 48 colour pages
Publication: December 2011
ISBN: 9781849181037
Price: £5.99 inc. VAT

Still travelling with Kris of Valnor, Thorgal runs afoul of a local tribe. When a mysterious old woman offers him a chance to escape the hostile villagers, he accepts. But there’s more to the bargain: She says that if he can make his way into the Invisible Fortress, he’ll be able to erase his name from the Stone of the Gods, cancelling his destiny—and finally have a chance at a normal life.

What more can I write that I have not written before regarding Thorgal. Rosinski and van Hamme say it all.  Except this time van Hamme has outdone himself!  Thorgal stumbles and fights his way into and out of the Invisible Fortress during which Kris is killed by an arrow.  When I got to the end I just sat there saying “What…the…??”  I read it again.

Thorgal has absolutely no idea who he is, has no knowledge of his past and Kris..well. This one really surprised me with its ending and I’m now chewing my nails to see what happens next. Top marks on every aspect –story, art, colouring and whammying Terry’s brain at the end.

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