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Terry Hooper-Scharf

Thursday 19 January 2012

Les Professionnels/The Professionals

Les Prefessionnels

Writer/artist: Carlos Gimenez
Publisher: Fluide Glacial
22x 29 cms
Black & white
350 pages
Price: 35 EUR
EAN: 9782352071938
Available: 18/01/2012

Okay, this one pushed my basic French to its limits!  I’m sure a few of you are saying: “The Professionals? Lewis Collins! Martin Shaw! Gordon Jackson! CI5 and car chases!” but, no. Don’t get excited. You would be very wrong.

Gimenez is one of Spains most important comic artists and Les Prefessionnels is what we would call slice-of-life.  He deals with the street scene and every day situations of life in Barcelona –going to the cinema, drinking, girls and so on. However, he also includes his memories of working for Ediciones Ilustradas and the work he did for the US horror publisher Warren.  Amongst aficionados Gimenez’ Warren work is much written and spoken about.

This is eye-opening but not some very serious, dry bio comic.  There is plenty of humour and the art is slick black and white professionalism comics at its best. I note a few American bloggers have gasped at the fact that there is no English language version available there.  I hope Casterman do sort out some of English language version because this is European (Spanish) art at its best.

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