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Terry Hooper-Scharf

Thursday 19 January 2012

Mossad Operations Speciales 2: L’Otage de Damas/Mossad, Special Operations T2 – The hostage Of Damascus

Mossad, Special Operations T2 – The hostage Of Damascus
(w) Jean Claude Bartoll
(a) Pierpaolo Rovero
(c ) Veronique Robin
48 pages
11,36 Euro
Available January 25, 2012

I’ve got volume 2 so I can’t really comment on volume 1 but it seems that the character Sven realises that he has been tricked by the head of the Israeli secret service (Mossad) to reform his former unit.  Apparently, he feels this the only chance to trace his missing son. The unit’s first task is to find out whether a diplomatic advisor to France is a traitor to Israel.

In the meantime, Colonel Hadas, a beautiful and very deadly Moukabarat (Syrian Intelligence) agent is setting about the recovery of a powerful and dangerous weapon. Hadas’ intention is to turn Sven by making threats regarding his son who is imprisoned in Syria.
Will Sven rescue his son…?

In addition, Colonel Hadas, beautiful and intelligent young woman belonging to Moukabarat continues to implement its plan to recover a powerful and dangerous weapons. She made ​​contact with Sven to handle turn. She looks forward to pressure him by threatening his son imprisoned in Syria …

I like this type of book and it seems far removed from US comics when it comes to female characters.  For the US it seems female characters have to have over-sized breasts and sometimes ridiculous physiques…and super powers. In this Mossad book, as well as many other from Europe, female characters are drawn with realistic proportions and depend upon their intelligence, skills and other abilities to survive. I like that and, of course, we’ve had a taste in the UK with Cinebook and its titles Lady S and The Insiders.

A few things I had to check with on google translate but apart from that the story was understandable and seems to be the intelligence/action thriller the French are so good at. Oddly, I typed the English title automatically, checked and found I had got it right (I must be learning French!).  I could give a spoiler about the end but won’t.  These books really need English editions because the quality is superb from story to art and excellent colouring work.

Not a great page scan but these books are larger than A4 so I’m going to have to warm up the A3 scanner!

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