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Terry Hooper-Scharf

Friday 17 February 2012

BANDAGES:A DIARY OF SORTS -Pure Comic Book Genius!

Kate Glasheen
Publisher: Katiecrimespree Pictures and Words; 1st edition (July 14, 2011)
104 pages
Black, white & grey wash
Product Dimensions: 11.1 x 8.7 x 0.6 inches
ISBN-10: 0578085887
ISBN-13: 978-0578085883
$19.99 (on Amazon cheaper but I’ve checked and they are going fast!)

“Footsteps etch a map from one summer to the next. A nameless young man stands at the threshold of adulthood, and he stands with all the love and support of the years that nurtured him. But as he steps through, the faces and places he grew with begin to exit one by one. The everyday tragedy of loss leads a forced march towards the uncertainty and loneliness of the future. Hopelessness starts to override the urge to heal, and he must ask himself, if what can be gained is worth what has been lost.

This coming-of-age graphic novel acts as his diary, documenting a stream of conscious narrative and surreal visual interpretations of the year’s events.”

I “pimped” (as we like to say for some reason) this book a while back here:

So, today, the postman (mailman if you are American) hands me his package. But let’s forget that and get on with Kate’s book which also arrived today. I really do sit back and despair when I see this.  No, it is not bad it is brilliant. It is a book I shall cherish along with my signed copy of Hybrid Bastards, also superbly illustrated by Ms Glasheen.

I think that I once wrote that Kate was “the new Bill Sienkiewicz.” If anyone remembers how his art exploded onto the comic scene back in the 1980s you’ll know what I mean. But I was wrong to write that because it insinuates that Kate illustrates in a similar style to Sienkiewicz which she does not. She draws with a style all her own and what style!

This is so off the ******* wall that it teeters on comic book genius.  You look at one illo then go back to it a little later and notice something new.  Look at the second illo below: my mind (what’s left of it) was just going bananas trying to take it all in and just look at that “watching TV” scene! It all screams out “artistic elite talent” (I don’t want to give Kate a big head by writing “genius”!).

I have no idea just why this all rings my bell –I gave up trying to figure these things up long ago.  All I know is that I like this and it should be on a best-seller list somewhere and if I could force everyone to buy a copy I would. As it is, I notice that on Amazon (where the book is a little cheaper) they are running out of copies.  This must mean that others have notice the talent on show here which is just great and Kate never even had to resort to her knuckle-dusters and flick-knife to get the sales!

I am just hoping that some publisher in Europe sees this book because they really can spot talent and I could see this going a long way there.

People started paying over-the-odds for Sienkiewicz books once he became a big name so do not get caught out here: get a copy (or two) as it will be an investment in future and when Kate is interviewed on one of those History Channel or French comics programmes you can point at the screen and shout “I was into her stuff before she was famous!”

Can I say more? Hmmm.


Heh. Kate Glasheen draws Kirby’s “New Gods”!

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