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Terry Hooper-Scharf

Sunday 26 February 2012

Cinebook -The 9th Art: The Bluecoats 5– Rumberley

The Bluecoats – Rumberley
Authors: Lambil & Cauvin
Number of pages: 48
Size: 21.7 x 28.7 cm
Age: 8 years and up
ISBN: 9781849181082
Price: £5.99 inc. VAT
Publication: January 2012
After an even bloodier battle than usual, the Union army is out of men. But so are the Rebels, and General Alexander decides to retreat and come back with reinforcements quickly before the enemy can do the same. To move faster, he leaves his wounded—including Stark and Chesterfield—behind in the nearby town of Rumberley, in the care of its inhabitants and Corporal Blutch. But Rumberley’s a Rebel town…

You see, I like this. You have the seriousness and misery that was the American Civil War plus all the battle scenes –look at that frikkin cover! But drawn as only Willy Lambil can.  And all the detail is there from uniforms to buildings and more –you might think that odd in a book that’s humorous but it all works so well.  Cauvin’s script obviously betrays the fact that he must be (he must be) an old Western film fan!

Great fun…makes me want to get my Civil War soldiers out and play!

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