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Terry Hooper-Scharf

Tuesday 7 February 2012

Une Semaine Sur Deux/A Week Of Two?

Une semaine sur deux/ A Week Of Two?
Editeur :Fluide glacial
150 pages
18 x 24 cms
Available -15th February 2012
apologies for my bad title translation!!

Hands up –I have never heard of Paco (incredibly, he may never have heard of me?!). But when this book arrived I looked at the cover and thought: “hmm” –that was it.  However, once I opened up the book….wow.

This is Pacco’s daily life as a single parent as he takes care of his daughter, Mae. Looking after a child by yourself is hard work from bath-time to buying a girly toy (when all Mae wants is a suction cup dart firing gun –now that I can vouch to!) and trying to get work done as well as trying to get yourself out and dating again.

The artwork is pure joy. It looks like simple line-work but is very reminiscent of Platignum Age creators such as Tom Browne. The figures are very fluid and full of movement that many a-budding comic artist could learn from. And I’m going to have to learn more about Pacco!

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