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Terry Hooper-Scharf

Sunday 22 April 2012

Casterman KSTR: Le Fleau Vert/The Green Scourge

Le Fleau Vert/The Green Scourge
Author: Mickaël Sanlaville  
Collection: KSTR
Full colour
Pages: 128
ISBN: 2203041153
EAN: 9782203041158
Dimensions: 19.2×27.8×1.7 cm
Price: € 16.00
Release Date: 11/04/2012

Suddenly, out of nowhere, appears a carnivorous plant that kills any human being it comes across.  Its growth and spread is so rapid that it eventually looks as though humanity is headed for extinction.  But, no. In a desolate landscape a small group has managed to survive in high factory chimneys –away from the green scourge.

This is where Murphy comes in. Literally running into the green scourge, Murphy escapes but finds himself in a female dominated sect where men are needed for just one thing…breeding.  Also present is a black child, Abdou, who is rather exuberant and disconcerting to the community.

Murphy soon realizes that he is to be used as a “breeding male” but cannot escape and after an injection of a “steroid hormone synthesis” becomes an insatiable rampaging sex monster!

Murphy eventually escapes the sect along with Abdou and some of the women.

Anyone out there remember Guesch Patti & Encore – Fleurs Carnivores (L’Homme Au Tablier Vert) from 1990?  No? Just me then.

This is a little bit of A Little Shop Of Horrors-meets-Mad Max with a nice splash of humour and quite a lot of graphic sex.

Salanville’s art and use of colour is very appealing –I’ve seen Shane Oakley (Killing Stroke and Albion) use colour to good effect but it doesn’t seem to have been as widely adapted as in European books. 

Perhaps in the UK/US comickers just like plain colouring?

This is almost a Boy’s Own adventure gone wrong and as for the sex scenes –I had to smirk and at some points chuckle.  It’s a fun book but NOT for kids!

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