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Terry Hooper-Scharf

Friday 27 April 2012

EXpo EXclusives from John Higgins – Watchmen & Razorjack

Old and new Twisted supporters will all be welcomed to our table at Bristol. Were we will have fresh Razorjack merchandise, new embroidered patches done specially for Bristol by Sally Jane Hurst, a Twist Bitch Poster and as I write we are working on the design for a metal Razorjack plectrum.
John is also having a special Watchmen section on his table, to consolidate his collection. Turmoil Colour Studios is overflowing with some very interesting Watchmen merchandise and related items John has received over the years, particularly since the movie promo machine started rolling in 2010.
Oh and MOST importantly, Razorjack her very self will be stalking the Bristol halls looking for any suitable victim to eat their brains, accompanied by one of the dark Misters. Please avoid her if you value your soul! If not she will give you a card you can bring to the stall and get a 20% discount off the few remaining Razorjack Graphic Novels!

John has now looked into some of his Watchmen boxes and found some rather interesting Watchmen artifacts that he is bringing to Bristol, posters, prints and books, but this item might be of particular interest for serious Watchmen collectors, see image. This item will go to the highest bidder on the weekend of the Bristol Comicon, but bids can be made starting today.  Contact John through his website if you want to make a bid on this limited edition memorabilia.
A couple more Watchmen boxes are still lying unopened in the studio at the moment, so come over to John’s table on the 12th and 13th of May at Bristol to find out what more he found!

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