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Terry Hooper-Scharf

Wednesday 25 April 2012

The NextArt:Blue Evolution -LARP

Yesterday I reviewed the full colour Blue Evolution books from The NextArt and today it’s  the turn of the BE: LARP.

These are not quite black and white editions. The text is all clearly printed in nice clear black but the art is Marian Kretschmer’s pencils.  It is quite interesting to see another artist’s pencil work, especially if your own is virtually non-existent!

I think the pages show some incredible pencil work but also incredible visualisation and imagination.  And the fact that these are pencilled pages does not harm the comic.  To me it made it look even better.
I noted that Kretschmer had a web site listed in the credits so thought “let’s see what else he’s done.” Wow. There are some fantastic pieces of colour art on the site showing, as I keep point out to a certain Mr. Brown, that you can draw comics as well as do more “serious” art.  I’d recommend everyone check out the site:

These LARP are limited editions so I think comickers will find them worth getting if not for the art and story -both are very worthwhile- then as collectibles.  The NextArt is doing its damnedest to produce some unique and original comics and I certainly hope these two books are selling well enough.

Both the company and its creators have opened my eyes to the New German Comics!

Blue Evolution: LARP Part 1
published by Verlag THENEXTART, March 2008
24 pages b / w, U.S. format
Limited to 400 + Wagon “Lt. René “Comic Salon Erlangen 2008 (100 pieces)
ISBN 978-3-939400-11-0
Idea: Sebastian Black Bold & Marian Kretschmer
Drawings: Marian Kretschmer
History: Sven & Sebastian Loose Black Italic
Text / Layout: Stephan Haack
Blue Evolution · a LARP

4 Role players are drawn into the events surrounding the battle to DO-NAHRLOGIMOPPIG-FYL. Why are they there and see what it shows the short section of the story of Blue Evolution Vol III No. 1 and 2 We make known Charktere experience and a relentless and bloody battle for survival.

Blue Evolution · LARP 2
Drawings: Marian Kretschmer
Idea: Marian Kretschmer / Sebastian Black Italic
History: Sebastian Black Bold / Sven Loose
Text / Layout: Stephan Haack
24 pages, b / w, 400 copies, U.S. format, 4 EUR
ISBN: 978-3-939400-15-8

The bloody fighting and twists continue and there is a very nice “……?” style ending.  Even hinting at events in this issue would involve too many “spoiler alerts”!

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