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Terry Hooper-Scharf

Monday 7 May 2012

Cinebook The 9th Art: Valerian & Laureline -The Land Without Stars

Valerian 3- The Land Without Stars
Authors: Mézières & Christin
Comic Album
Full Colour
Number of pages: 48
Size: 21.7 x 28.7 cm
Age: 12 years and up

ISBN: 9781849181181
Price: £5.99 inc. VAT

Publication: April 2012

When a rogue planet threatens a new Human colony, Valerian and Laureline are sent to investigate and discover a barren, rocky surface… and a whole world beneath it! The people who live inside Zahir have never seen the stars. Divided along gender lines, torn by a senseless and bloody war, they are unaware that their planet is hurtling towards disaster. To stop it, the two agents of Galaxity will have to infiltrate both sides and force a reconciliation.

Valerian is, of course, legendary in Europe.  I first saw it in the 1970s in the German comic Zack and there were about 3 (?) volumes published in English by, I believe, Hodder?  It is the quintessential sci-fi/fantasy series.

Look at that cover.  It looks simple but take a good look at it; the artwork and the setting of atmospheric tone by using shades of colour. And the story is great and well paced from the comical to the downright serious aspects.  The very idea of an inside-out world with an internal sun and moon is such a whacky concept but do you question it? No, you go with the flow. You dig it.  (I apologise I went all long hair and ‘70s for a second).

This is one of those fine examples of how an art style that is rather unique works well in a great story that in, say, the US, would require a more ‘conventional’ comic art style.  That written, I know there are lots of Valerian fans in the US and particularly in Canada. E. Tranle’s colour work is spot on.

I always wonder what goes through the mind of someone seeing these books for the first time.  I think a child would just be awe-struck.

Join the Valerian (and Laureline, of course) fan net!

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