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Terry Hooper-Scharf

Tuesday 17 July 2012

2012 Clallam Bay Comicon Report

 Hot off the key board from Donna Barr!

The first Clallam Bay Comicon was held during Clallam Bay/Sekiu Fun Days, July 13-15.

The event was surprisingly successful, considering the isolated community and long drive. Artists, writers and fans traveled from Seattle, Forks, and Clallam Bay to buy books, convention t-shirts, and to pick up tips for for a new convention “Dragon model,” that will allow small towns to host their own comicons.

Donna Barr, who has been in the comics industry as author, publisher and promoter since 1986, took advantage of her long experience, wide contact base and social media to promote and organize the event.

Dara Korra’ti wowed the small audience with her pirate and protest songs and her “Irish Bouzouki.”

Seattle authors Kevin Boze and Mark Monlux, and Donna Barr – who hosted the event – enjoyed themselves and sold more product than expected.

Comicon attendees enjoyed the local scenery and beaches, as well as refreshments at Fun Days and meals at restaurants. They were favorably impressed by the comfortable and reasonably-priced motel accommodations.  The Fun Days fireworks were a special treat.

Plans are already afoot for the 2013 Comicon. The Facebook page, “Clallam Bay Comicon,” is taking fan and professional input on best time of year. So far, the voting has been leaning toward May, but the actual date would also depend on when west-end businesses open after the winter season.

Clallam Bay Comicon encourages other peninsula communities to sponsor their own Comicons during the Clallam Bay event. Chambers of commerce as well as individuals and businesses interested in details are advised to contact Donna Barr.

She may be reached at:
or call 360 963 2935

Dara Korra’ti performs for Ron Austin’s on-going international film project about authors and artists at the 2012 Clallam Bay Comicon, Saturday, July 14.

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