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Terry Hooper-Scharf

Tuesday 24 July 2012

No “Reset” Button?

I’ve looked and Marvel and DC do not appear to have a Reset button.
I’ve cancelled a number of titles and after the latest Earth 2 (at the end of which I said out loud: “ohh, ****!”) that may be the next cancellation.  Justice League is just…just…it will also be going.
Now, Avengers vs X-Men/X-men Vs Avengers is like a car crash. I read the latest regular Avengers title and then the latest “AVX” (really). What a ***** mess. In the old days, when comics were put together by professionals, page 1 would state: “Events in this issue take place before those of X-Men—blah blah blah”.  None of that now. Whichever way I read it the whole thing, which started reasonably, is a mess.
For the very first time in 40+ years I am seriously thinking of no longer getting an Avengers book. Like many other older “True Believers”, I’ve had enough. Hawkeye who was killed but came back and is changed to keep in with the movie version has now been burnt to a crisp but “we can heal him”…why? He’ll be killed off again in a few months before returning.
Captain America WAS a good title but you know Steve Rogers girlfriend, SHIELD agent Carter, who ‘killed him?  Well, now she’s killed one of his good friends  (but Steve aint mad at her -I think he believes his buddy will be back and alive after the next reboot) and we have a promise of darker days ahead.
Oh, and in a plot twist, EVERY character killed in Return Of The Gods: Twilight Of The Super Heroes comes back to life due to a time loop.
That was sarcasm. I have more creative credibility.

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