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Terry Hooper-Scharf

Monday 13 August 2012


It seems some people are not.  When it came to reviewing a book recently I could not find any page numbering and even the publishers web site didn’t have the information. I had to eventually go to the publishers Face Book page and ask.
If you are a reviewer then you expect a publisher to provide you with certain basic information: Title, book size, page count, price and how to order. A reviewer cannot be expected to count every one of 150+ pages.
According to the publishers no one is interested in page counts other than reviewers. Now that is a smack in the face of reviewers -and I’m sure a few would take that personally.  Apparently giving the number of contributors is sufficient. Twenty contributors -a page each? Half a page? Ten pages???
Oh, and this publisher sees no point in putting page counts on their site.
So, I see a book with, say, a £10 cover price.  Okay -what am I paying for? Twenty pages? Ten?? Only someone with plenty of cash to waste orders a book without knowing what they are buying.
Even small pressers give page counts.  As I say it is the basic info you expect. But no, only dumb ass reviewers are interested in that stuff and who cares about them, heh? So, as reviewers are not in the least bit important to certain publishers the next book I get with no page count given I shall write “some contributors and some pages” and see how that goes.
Believe me, people DO leave out all sorts of basic info.  In case you are new and want to know what to put in the press release:
1.  A quick synopsis of the comic or theme and who is contributing.
2. Page count
3. size of book -A6, A5, A4, US comic size.
4. Cost of book and how to order -if by a web site include your url.
That’s it. Simple.
Just remember that a reviewer is there to review your book to, hopefully, get it to sell. If he has to stop everything else to go on a web-chase to find out info about your book and how to order do not expect him to happily give you a glowing review.
But then again, who cares about “reviewers”?

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