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Terry Hooper-Scharf

Friday 31 August 2012

Casterman BD: Midgard 2: Vers le Nord/ Midgard:Northward

Midgard 2: Vers le Nord/ Midgard:Northward
Steven Dupre
Colour and Black & white
88 pages
Dimensions: 24 x 17 x 1 cm
EAN13: 9782203060524
ISBN: 978-2-203-06052-4
€ 12.35
Date Published: 18/08/2012

A little alien rebel –Oon- escapes incarceration aboard a spaceship and crashes on Earth during a full scale Viking invasion.  Oon ends up as ‘plunder’ and joins captive monks below decks on the Viking ship. While they congratulate themselves on their raid, the ship is hit by a big storm.

A hermit is persuaded by a novice to go and see the wreckage of the ship. Meanwhile two monks who care for farmers are told by them where a “divine object” fell from the sky. The object is big, bizarre, and for good reason: it is another spacecraft. Inside the cockpit broken, is another alien …

Meanwhile, Snorri, a viking isolated from his group continues his journey on foot, accompanied by a boy wanderer. They do not speak the same language but understand and forge an alliance of convenience. While the Viking is hunting a partridge, the kid steals clothes that are drying near a remote farmhouse. In rage, the farmer goes in pursuit …

This book is a nice blend of history, humour and science fiction and it was a little confusing at first, coming in at volume 2! The book starts out in colour but then merges into black and white with a few pages obviously grey scaled from colour. It doesn’t matter. The art is great and the story fun.

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