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Terry Hooper-Scharf

Tuesday 30 July 2013


Dear Reader,
Some of you will be basking in the sun by now, and we hope you didn’t forget your sunscreen. For those who aren’t, who enjoy reading on the beach – or simply for when you’re back – we bring you a selection of titles that will take you to exotic locales and faraway destinations.
The Caribbean first, with Slaves, the first volume in our new series “Barracuda”. A story of love, hate, piracy and revenge by the writer of “Crusade”, Jean Dufaux, and artist Jérémy, a highly regarded colourist who moves on to full artist status with this title – with great talent.
Somewhere further from the sea next, with a trip to Baghdad the Magnificent. Entertainment will be provided by the Grand Vizier Iznogoud himself in his continued antics to become Caliph instead of the Caliph!
A surprisingly similar situation arises in Washington, D.C., where power struggles for the White House are about to cause poor Lady S no end of trouble. As if being a former Soviet citizen who’s worked as an agent for the Europeans wasn’t bad enough…
Finally, Yoko Tsuno and her friends will take you on a cruise along the picturesque Rhine valley –its wine, its castles, its demonic Renaissance contraptions…
July with Cinebook: how about a change of scenery?
Emilio, a young servant disguised as a woman to escape the pirates’ blood thirst. Maria, daughter of a Spanish grandee, captured by the same pirates. Raffy, son of Captain Blackdog of the pirate ship Barracuda. All three of them taken to Puerto Blanco, all three of them left behind when the Barracuda leaves to seek a fabulous diamond… Read more
In Baghdad the Magnificent, everything is for sale. You can buy goods from all around the world, as well as charms, spells and enchanted items. If you have the gold, you can find anything—even what you need to become Caliph instead of the Caliph…Read more
What better place to forget the murky world of international spies than… Washington, amid the murky world of politics? Suzan, still her adopted father’s assistant, is now working at the White House, where she becomes the unwilling central figure in a nefarious plot to discredit the president of the United States…Read more
Travelling down the Rhine, Yoko and her friends save a young stranger from drowning. Sensing foul play, the young Japanese girl decides to stay with her new friend Ingrid and investigate the unusual circumstances…Read more
Cinebook will exhibit at MCM Scotland Comic Con, SECC, Glasgow
 Antares 3 – Episode 3
 Blake & Mortimer 15 – The Secret of the Swordfish, Part 1
 Largo Winch 6 – …And Die
 Largo Winch 7 – Golden Gate
 Lucky Luke 37 – Fingers
 Lucky Luke 38 – Doc Doxey’s Elixir
 Thorgal 11 – The Invisible Fortress
 Valerian 4 – Welcome to Alflolol
North-American readers, to locate a comic book shop near you that stocks or can order these titles and many more, us this handy link: Read more
Or, if you’re a retailer yourse

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