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Terry Hooper-Scharf

Monday 29 July 2013

Sunday Video: Trinity War Comprehensive Preview: Everything You Need to Know

How many Justice Leagues do you need? Three, apparently…oh, and a Secret Society of Villains.
The guy from B3Comics has put together a 20 minute preview looking at the characters and how they might interact in the coming Trinity Bleed the suckers dry War.
As I watched I realised that I had absolutely no interest in the temporary tripe DC Comics is dishing out. Great art but come on –how can you put any personal care and enthusiasm in…well, something that’s going to change again soon?
The ‘fans’ keep buying this shit and the DC executives continue their ejaculation over tables of money squeezed from them.
DC has, on their site, short snippets of San Diego Comic Con titled Day Away From The Con. Are these fascinating insight clips? No. Basically Jeoff Johns and Jim Lee talking about how great DC is and how great it is to meet the suckersfans. Everything else is basically “buy DC Comics we’re brilliant!” I do like the fact that some of the “great creatives” can hardly hold a sentence together!
Saddest item on the Day Away videos is the ‘life long comic book fan’ Christopher Lee introducing “Necessary Evil” -a “project I am proud to be part of”. Sad, sad, sad -and you can tell he’s reading cue cards (praising DC of course!!).
Anyway, as you prepare to have your money ass-raped by DC here’s the Preview to get the juices flowing.

Oh, Marvel DOES have three SDCC related videos but video-wise DC Comics beat Marvel to a pulp. Even if it’s all just a very uninteresting pulp.

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