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Terry Hooper-Scharf

Wednesday 31 July 2013

The Return Of Lassie: Dark Moon Rising

They are bring Lassie back to films??? Have you heard the plot? Young Alex King is bored after his scientist father has a "burn out" and they move to a house set in the Rockies. One day Alex explores the house and in the basement finds an old wardrobe -opening the door he finds it leads into a deserted military type complex and he finds a cryogenic cannister. 

Running back to tell his father they discoover the base was part of Project Chronos --his father's project that was rejected. The machinery still works so Alex's father unthaws the occupant of the cannister -it's Lassie. Tests show Lassie has had advanced bionic implants. 

So guess what? The pair adopt Lassie as a pet but intend to use the dog to "help out those who need it." It gets worse --a werewolf is on the loose and Lassie has to go into hiding after being blamed for sheep killings!!! 


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