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Terry Hooper-Scharf

Thursday 26 September 2013

Chang3lings At Edinburgh...

As  already noted on CBO, David Gordon and his Chang3lings will be at the Edinburgh show this weekend and I'm hoping that the fact his interview has become the top postings again (it's never been out of the top five since it was posted!) might mean he'll get some business.

Maybe I should be on commission?

Anyway, you will be able to see the Chang3lings dolls plus the comic of the same name -which I highly recommend!  I'm still holding my breath waiting for the other parts of the story so if you see a copy -buy!

 changelings cover final version

 I think his How To Draw Pin Up Girls book will be available at the show but of special note to the collectors/nostalgia/memorabilia folk will be Groove Tube Memories Sketchbook which was reviewed here:

"Name that face!"

 There is the Danny Trejo figure, of course, but remember that you can commission Dave to produce a figure based on your own comic character or fave personality -and these are unique one offs -no one else will have the same doll EVER!!

Having written that I'm glad I won't be at Edinburgh because I would buy this -Kenneth Williams as Caesar from Carry On Cleo....keep that bank card in the wallet, Terry...

 And that head is of some guy off TV called Walter White...I'm not even going to ask how this photo came about!

The following will be completed for the show and these are work in progress NOT finished. Dexter (from some TV show I believe) and Batgirl.  Remember that these are one off collectibles and Chang3lings is the only company in the UK/Europe that I can find that produce these.

Remember that the link to the right will take you to the Chang3lings site where you'll note the two main size scales. I had a really good look at the large dolls at the May Bristol Comic Expo and they are fully jointed, not light weight material at all and I was gob-smacked (surprised) at how good they were -you'll only see this best face-to-doll.

So don't be shy -visit the Chang3lings site and table!

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