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Terry Hooper-Scharf

Monday 16 September 2013


  is out now!

Full colour
US size
UK £2.99
Europe £4.50

It's a brand new superhero title written by John A. Short  and illustrated by Gabrielle Noble (artist of 'Savage! Jungle Princess').

 It features the return of cult underground comics character OCTOBRIANA In the exclusive strip that appears in the Preview Special.

 Octobriana and the rest of the New Amazons are up against that arch-super-villain... VLADIMIR PUTIN!

This short FULL COLOUR preview is here to pave the way for the forthcoming Graphic Novel 'The New Amazons: Costume Drama'!

What a time for my scanner to die -and no real images online!!

Well, as this is the team that brought us Savage! Jungle Princess it's bound to hit a few spots. There is a nice section with 'covers' showing where the various members of The New Amazons first appeared! And there is a nice text piece explaining the history of Octobriana and "why"!

The mission of the team and the rescue I thought was quite fun and when you have the "Butcher of Chechnya" as a villain you can't go wrong. I'm okay, I'm not allowed in Russia so big rasberry to Putin.
I just hope that neither Short nor Noble are on a diverted flight that lands in Russia.

This is good old fashioned fun and a graphic novel to follow! Short and Noble are really getting into their stride...though I do wonder whether Jungle Princess might make a cameo?

 You can order directly from Kult Creations:


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