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Terry Hooper-Scharf

Tuesday 15 October 2013

George Perez Health Up-date

George Perez just issued this statement on his fan page.

Best wishes go to George and fingers crossed.
"Hi all. I just wanted to update everyone about my eye situation.

I just got back from my eye doctor and, not very surprisingly, I was told that my left eye is beyond the point where laser and injection surgery can be of any help so I (or more precisely, my wife) have contacted my regular doctor to perform whatever tests I need to take in order to be cleared for operating room surgery.
It will have to be soon since there is now some further swelling and deterioration of my right eye as well, It's pretty amazing that I was able to do all those sketches in NYCC,considering my limitations.

So, I still have a major battle ahead, but, with all the support, well wishes and prayers that have been funneled my way-- and most importantly, the love and indomitable strength of my amazingly brave wife Carol (Phoenicia), I will get through this. 

I only wish my psoriasis would ease up so that I can at least get a good night's sleep (not really beneficial for a good mood), but, hey, one step at a time. 

Thank you all for your kindness, affection and support. It means more to me than I ever can propery convey. May I always be worthy of your regard. 

Big text hug to all of you!"

Photo: (c) George Perez Fan Page

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