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Terry Hooper-Scharf

Thursday 28 November 2013

Professionals Star Lewis Collins Dies In LA

Lewis Collins, 67, who played Bodie in 1970s TV series The Professionals, has died after suffering from cancer for five years.

The actor, who played Bodie in the crime drama alongside co-star Martin Shaw as Doyle, died on Wednesday, his agent said.

"He died peacefully at his LA home surrounded by his family. Privacy is asked for at this very sad time."
The Professionals, which made stars of Collins and Shaw, was based around the adventures of a fictional crime fighting unit called CI5.

Its memorable theme tune and action-packed plots made it a huge hit on ITV in the late 1970s and early 1980s for 57 episodes.

Martin Shaw said: "I was very sad to hear today that Lewis has died.

"We spent a very tough four years together in making The Professionals, and shared in the production of what has become an icon of British television.

"He will be remembered as part of the childhood of so many people, and mourned by his fans. I send my love and condolences to his family, and the great many who will miss him."

Collins' other most notable role came in 1982's Who Dares Wins, when he played a member of the SAS.
He was born on Merseyside and worked as a drummer in local bands and as a hairdresser before getting into acting.

Collins married teacher Michelle Larrett in 1992 and had three sons Oliver, Elliot and Cameron.

Although he still dabbled in acting, he ran a successful computer business in LA, according to his biography on the film website IMDb.


Tempus fugit

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