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Terry Hooper-Scharf

Saturday 2 November 2013

Titan Books: Assassins Creed 4: Hawk

Assassins Creed 4: Hawk
Writer: Eric Corbeyran
Artist: Djilalli Defaux
Colourist: Cyril Vincent
Full Colour
size:276 x 179 mm

ISBN: 9781781168394 
Publication date: 15 November 2013

When Desmond Miles is called away on an urgent mission, he entrusts fellow Assassin Jonathan Hawk with File 24. Hawk sets out to search for the Scepter of Isis – a powerful ancient artifact, lost in time. Through his Assassin ancestor, El Cakr, Hawk travels to Egypt in 1257, where the Scepter lies in the hands of the new Sultan. Pursued in the present by the formidable Templar agent Vernon Hest, Hawk finds himself in a race against time…throughout time.

Assassin’s Creed: Hawk is the new and exciting volume in the comic series, expanding on Jonathan Hawk – an elusive member of the Brotherhood. Assassin’s Creed: Hawk marks the beginning of an all-new assassin in an all-new era.

This's not just hopping around in the past killing and retrieving but there is also the present day danger -conspiracy and much more. And the eye.  What eye?  Well, buy the book and you'll find out.  A good cliff-hanger ending to boot.


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