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Terry Hooper-Scharf

Tuesday 20 May 2014

A New Legal Conflict Brewing Over Strikeforce Morituri Between Marvel And Peter B Gillis--Bleeding Cool!

Now, as if to demonstrate the point I made in an earlier post concerning the fact that Marvel Comics was dead as a creative force and that Disney were now the ones twisting balls and making decisions there (sorry, of course Marvel Comics makes its own decisions after being ordered what to do by Disney), I cite the above title blog posting by Richard Johnson over at Bleeding Cool:

Is there a reason why I'm pointing this out?  Well, firstly it goes to show just how morally and creatively corrupt Marvel Comics is now -adding a signature of a creator to an obviously faked contract!  Secondly, there are rumours of other creators facing similar problems at Marvel and DC Comics.

Ahh, that old leopard just will not change its spots and still fails to realise that todays internet media means it cannot do what it used to....have the, uh, 'creative editors' at Marvel taken to Twitter to attack Gillis as they have done others (with a jump in by DC pals just to make sure creators realise who the bosses are)?

Read on.....

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