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Terry Hooper-Scharf

Sunday 18 May 2014

Atlas? Mighty Crusaders? THERE'S A Choice???

I got a message on Face Book from someone who asked if, as I say, Marvel and DC comics are so dead to me, which characters would I like to work on?

He had to ask???

Firstly, The Mighty Crusaders. The 1960s/1980s team. A core membership but with visiting members such as The Fox, et al.  There MUST be some way of getting permission to use The Fly -I mean, come on: we are not talking Middle East peace negotiations here.

Oh, and, yes, I have a few twists that would bring in the current newbie heroes.  But, let's face it, that is never ever going to happen.

That said, the other all time, short-lived favourites of mine are the 1970s Atlas-Seaboard characters such as The Tarantula, Phoenix, Grim Ghost and, naturally, The Brute!

I have put together and submitted several proposals in the last 20 years but not even a "get lost!"  The more recent Atlas resurrection was....not great. Let's not go into that here.

Again, there must be a way to gather all those characters together again -as with the 1980s Mighty Crusaders, Rich Buckler was also involved at Atlas.

And, no, I will not go into details -we're talking comics here: industry of a thousand stolen ideas ("ideas can't be copyrighted" as one editor told me when a story I'd verbally outlined was him!).  The ideas swish and swash about in my head where they will stay -unless I adapt them for Black Tower using my characters.

Hey, I look at it this way -they are missing out, not me. PLEEEEASE!

Now I'm going to go over my once heady storylines.

The Brute #2


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