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Terry Hooper-Scharf

Tuesday 20 May 2014

Dark Horse Comics: Gasoline Alley: The Complete Sundays Volume 2, 1923–1925

Writer and artist: Frank King
Format: FC (Full Colour)
Hardcover 16" x 12"
Publication Date:July 30, 2014
Price: $75.00
Presenting the second in a series that will collect, in chronological order, all the Sunday pages of the celebrated newspaper strip! Discover the abundant wonder and dazzling beauty in the world—as seen through the eyes of creator Frank King and his beloved characters, Walt and Skeezix—in some of Gasoline Alley’s most artistically imaginative art!

Reprinted in full color, this giant-sized volume collects every Gasoline Alley Sunday strip from 1923 through 1925.

* One of the most influential and critically acclaimed newspaper strips of all time!
* The second-longest-running comic strip in the US—still published after almost 100 years!

Yes, another jumbo-sized collection and the comic strip in question has been around even longer than Alley Oop!

This is another three years worth of the "Sundays" and, as with the Alley Oop collection the people at Dark Horse have produced what has to be -surely- the definitive collection when it comes to quality and the promise that all -ALL- the Sundays will eventually be reprinted by them.

Humour, a little slap-sticky at times, but a great drawing style and I think many wannabe artists could learn from King's work -the fluidity and the simple poses of characters that, if you try to draw them, you will realise are far from "simple".

At the moment the comics world seems to be reclaiming a lot of the old newspaper strips that so influenced comic greats -as with Titan Books and the Flash Gordon books.   And let's be honest, the people who are collecting and then digitally scanning and cleaning these strips are titans in their own rights!

This book is not out until July but you can pre-order or -buy the Alley Oop book and then buy this one? I don't think you will feel disappointed.

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