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Terry Hooper-Scharf

Saturday 3 May 2014

Just In Case You Missed It....

Doctor Who Star Matt Smith Joins Terminator Reboot Cast

Time Lord will play an unspecified role in sci-fi sequel, according to production team.


Fresh face... Matt Smith has joined the 'Terminator' cast (Credit: Facebook)

Matt Smith, famous for playing 'Doctor Who' in the long-running TV show, has joined the cast of the fifth ‘Terminator’ film.

In a Facebook post, Skydance Productions wrote:

“We don't have a TARDIS, but we do have a Time Lord: Matt Smith is joining the cast of #Terminator, and John Connor is VERY happy about it.”

In a statement, Paramount said: “Smith will play a new character with a strong connection to John Connor, alongside Arnold Schwarzenegger, Jason Clarke, Emilia Clarke, Jai Courtney, J.K. Simmons, Dayo Okeniyi and Byung Hun Lee.”

Alan Taylor is directing the film from a screenplay by Laeta Kalogridis and Patrick Lussier.

Legend... Schwarzenegger will play an 'ageing cyborg' in sequel (Copyright: Rex)

There’s been no official word on the plot yet, but plenty of rumours.

Movie writer Drew McWeeney from the US site HitFix revealed on a recent video post: “Kind of like Back to the Future, the Terminator: Genesis script folds into the first film in the series.

“There’s a scene in the script where literally, we see the scene in the first Terminator where Arnold steps out, the punks threaten him, he rips Bill Paxton’s heart out and takes his clothes and wanders off.

“And as soon as that scene ends, another Arnold Schwarzenegger who’s older, and bearded and a very different version of the Terminator, comes walking in from the other side and plays another scene, right at the scene of that first incident.”

It's also been rumoured that in the movie Arnold Schwarzenegger's aged T-800 model has been guarding Sarah Connor - played by Emilia Clarke, and who will become the mother of revolutionary John Connor - for nearly 30 years.

Arnie himself has already revealed that he will be playing an 'ageing cyborg' in the movie.

It’s all very exciting, especially now that Matt Smith is now onboard.

Paramount will distribute the film worldwide on July 1, 2015.

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