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Terry Hooper-Scharf

Monday 19 May 2014

Rob Williams & D'Israeli launch Ordinary #1

  • [Rob Williams & D'Israeli launch Ordinary #1]

Wednesday, 28th May, 2014 17:00 -  

Bristol Megastore, Units 4&5 Clifton Heights, Bristol, BS8 1EJ

Rob Williams and D'Israeli will be launching their new comic 'Ordinary' at the Forbidden Planet Bristol Megastore at 5:00pm on Wednesday 28th May.

What if everyone woke up with superpowers - and it was the worst thing in the world?

When a strange plague gives every human being on the planet special powers, it's seen as the next step in human evolution. But hope quickly turns to terror, as every war, terrorist attack, every crime, every simple street argument escalates to a truly horrific point.

The plague must be cured if humankind is to survive. The key lies in the blood of the only human being who didn't get powers when the plague hit: A downtrodden, recently divorced New York plumber named Michael Fisher. The most ordinary man alive has suddenly become the most extraordinary person on Planet Earth. Giant baseball players, grannies ageing in reverse, a talking Grizzly bear. That's nothing out of the Ordinary!

Rob Williams is a British comic book writer. Among a huge list of credits, he is a regular writer of JUDGE DREDD for 2000AD, including the hit series’ ‘Titan’ and ‘Trifecta’, he writes THE ROYALS for Vertigo, and recently was one of the writers on the ‘Into The Light’ official tie-in comic for Namco Bandai’s DARK SOULS II computer game.

D'Israeli - aka artist Matt Brooker - has created Future Shocks for 2000 AD, and Consequences, a one-off sequel to Timulo. He has drawn Judge Dredd, worked as a colourist on Miracleman and 2000 AD, and as an inker on Neil Gaiman's Sandman and Grant Morrison's Kill Your Boyfriend.

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