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Please consider supporting Comic Bits Online because it is a very rare thing in these days of company mouthpiece blogs that are only interested in selling publicity to you. With support CBO can continue its work to bring you real comics news and expand to produce the video content for this site. Money from sales of Black Tower Comics & Books helps so please consider checking out the online store.
Thank You

Terry Hooper-Scharf

Thursday 15 May 2014

The BOOKED! Event

From Kate Bainbridge:

We have been able to announce a further 3 authors to our guest list this morning! So I would like to extend a further welcome to Christine M. Butler, Ashley McCook and Tony Cooper! It is a pleasure to have you join us!

I have been thinking further on the events of the day and already have in place the following:

  • Graphic Novel Design with Lee O'Connor
  • Potery Masterclass with Paul Tobin
  • Romance and Erotica featuring Kristal McKerrington, Sara Humphryes and Joe E Legend
  • Our Careers with Pro-Wrestling with Joe E Legend, Matt Striker and a few surprise guests (to be announced)
I am looking for further possible panels and workshops - if you would be interested in either of these please let me know.

PROMOTION!! We really need further promotion regarding the event so blog it, tweet it, facebook it, do everything you can to spread your involvement with this event. Lets face it the more people come the more YOU will profit from this event =)

Joe E Legend was awesome in putting together a promotional video for us, you can find it here: If you would like to do the same then AWESOME!! All the details are on the site if you can send me the video I will get it on the BOOKED! You Tube too =)

Also finally just so we have a rough estimate of numbers if anyone is attending with you please could you supply their name, age and if they will be helping you on your table during the event, this is needed for the guest pass allocation too.

For now I think that's all. Always remember if you need me for anything then I am always available. 

Ohhh! Change in business phone number - the number will now be 07891 555263 (mobile) and 01527 545478 (home)

Hope to hear from you all soon!!

Kate Bainbridge
Back Cover Promotions
Ashley McCook To Join Us At BOOKED!

The following folk will be joining the Booked! Event:

Tony Cooper

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