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Terry Hooper-Scharf

Tuesday 10 June 2014

CBO Cartoon


  1. This is my favourite of the moment, as the 'fuck you bombs' seem to keep falling from the sky at the moment. It's a pity the pencils don't come out stronger - ah well. Pen next time.

  2. Hey, Stransky. I need to spend a lot more time working on the piece to make it nice and clean for publication but I think it makes its point! I'll be writing soon.

  3. Hey ! Good to talk to you - my g.mail is all screwed up - for various reasons. Happy Birthday, by the way. I knew it was some time in June, but I forgot when. Anyway - it's my job to make the artwork better which I'll try and do. Tomorrow is my injections day - God, I need it. Well,take it easy, and thanks for putting up the pieces. I'll do better next time. Cheers. Ps. I didn't know I had to prove I'm not a robot !

  4. Yes. A lot of androids and robots have replaced humans and taken their places in society. Even Purdy commented on it in The New Avengers in the 1980s. A major problem and we suspect Japan is behind it all.
