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Terry Hooper-Scharf

Wednesday 11 June 2014

Could It Be? "Fantastic Four" May Live On-Screen, Disappear From Comics

There have been a lot of rumours and talk but CBR writes about how Marvel may cancel Fantastic Four as a comic while the team (awfully altered) continue on the big screen:

Personally the big changes of those awful white costumes and title "FF" and what followed were too much for me. Johnny Storm being killed in the Negative Zone but returning (what a 'surprise') after being killed over and over...I no longer cared.

Marvel will do what Disney tells it to do.

The Marvel Age of Comics died and can no longer be resurrected after Disney bought the company. I wrote before and after the sell off about what it would mean and all I got was "Ahh, what do you know!"

I know Marvel, like DC, is dead.

Cancel a title that spins out money once a film is released?  Nah.  Maybe a "last issue" followed by another reboot with characters changed to tie in with the movie.

I don't care.


  1. Strangely, I care. Because, the more they do this kind of shit at Marvel and DC, the more they poke their thumb in the eye of what made them successful in the first place - faithful fans who actually care about character and story continuity - and the people, like Jack Kirby, Dick Ayers, John Byrne and Stan Lee who created them. Things must change, of course, but for a good reason, not just expediency.

  2. Ps. I'm off for my injections now. I'm going to be really depressed for a few days. Get back to you later.
