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Terry Hooper-Scharf

Thursday 5 June 2014


I came across a copy of 4D MONKEY quite by accident while browsing through boxes of old comics in Bristol's AREA 51 shop. It was in a sealed bag for the meagre price of 25p so I grabbed it!

Sadly,some moron had clipped out various bits from the interior,ruining the comic.
However,it is a very nice,futuristic,space version of Monkey, Pigsy and Sandy that many of us will be familiar with via the TV series and tales. 

"Free Trip To Hong Kong" is not the title of the adventure! Erm,anyway,4D Monkey,Pigsy and Sandy stand ready while some heavily suited gents look on!  A very distinctive and lovely cover -typical old Hong Kong comic style.

I don't think this quartet will get any help on finding Dr Wise's "Cosmic Power Formula"!  But look at those two weird entities! I just love the look so I may just "borrow" it!

Yin Fei -The Chinese Ninja gets involved in the mystery of the "Ghost Village"!  Another accidental find in AREA 51 but I'd love to know how it got there;I don't recall ever seeing Dr Leung Comics during the late 1980s Jademan inspired explosion....someone's comic picked up on holiday?

Instruction in self-defence by comic! Another great page from the "Ghost Village" story.

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