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Terry Hooper-Scharf

Saturday 28 June 2014

Dracula Untold Official Trailer #1 (2014) - Luke Evans, Dominic Cooper M...

There are a couple of good movies out there based on the real Vlad's life. No silly vampires or special effects just the sheer terror and horror of what he did -which makes horror movies pale in comparison.


  1. Just watched the Dracula Untold trailer. Some of the images were clear 'homages' to one of Legendary pics other movies - '300'. And that's just in the trailer... I'm sure the movie will be more origional - but
    yes, I take your point. The TRUE Vlad Tepes story... which is still partly more gripping and horrifying 'cause it's real. What was that old Leonard Nimoy puff 'history' series in the late 70's ? I remember it had a quite interesting episode dedicated to the history of Vlad the Impaler. Anyway, catch ya later.

  2. Hi. Yeah, climbing up the mountain with cape waving in the wind was just a straight 300 rip off. ;-)
