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Terry Hooper-Scharf

Saturday 21 June 2014

I Went To Marvel Comics And Took Reality Altering Drugs...but its okay, I'm off the coast of Europe.

Before we get into this can I point out to those who pointed it out to me, that the quotes are not badly written or phrased or just plain badly put together by me. Those are the REAL wiki entries!!
I think we now know 101% who Marvel Comics (or is it "Marvel Today" was "Marvel Now" but that might have been Marvel Then -I...I just am not sure) think they are publishing for.

Morons. This is confirmed by the fan base.

On the Avengers Earths Mightiest Heroes wiki we read:

"Europe is a continent on planet Earth."

Right. Got that. I was a bit confused before about the whole "Europe" thing.


 "The North Atlantic is the northren part of the Atlantic Ocean. It is where the nuclear missile submarine is when Ultron took over it and all of the world's nuclear weaponry and military computer systems."

And people wonder WHY the UK Independence Party (UKIP) want out of Europe?!  Oh...there is no Marvel wiki on UKIP...are they real then or did I imagine them?  Boy, this is getting very complicated.

Then I learn THIS:

 "Arctic Circle. It is where Captain America  had been frozen in there for decades until found by the Avengers and is where the B-2 stealth bomber flew there when Ultron  took over the world's military computers and sites."

WHOA! WHOA! WHOA! Hang on a minute!!!  Okay, I know Captain America is real because I saw that bio pic they made about when the Avengers (John Steed and Mrs Peel had left by this point) found him. But, come on! Ultron took over  the worlds military computers and  sites a second frickin time?!! Just what the feck were the military doing?? If that bloody robot did it once and escaped you can bet he -unlike the military: "No. I don't think it'll try that trick again!"-  is going to take advantage.  No extra or up-date safe-guards.

Incredible stupidity. And then they hush it all up.

And do the history books tell the truth? NO! They make up some loony guy with something that is so obviously not a real moustache (they STOLE that idea from Charlie Chaplin and took the whole "Hitler" idea from his movie "The Great Dictator" but just cut out his "we all have to live together" speech). The truth is -IF UKIP is real I'm voting for them after reading this:

"Italy is a country of Europe."

You heard it. It's not a country IN Europe but a country of an evil and sinister larger conglomeration calling itself Europe.  I'm stunned.  WHY hasn't David Icke mentioned this, huh??? But it gets worse:


Shortly beforeWorld War II, Italy was one of the founding members of the Axis powers. When the war broke out, the Italian army fought against the Allies  in France and nothern Africa. In 1943, the Italian fascist regime crumbled under the attacks of the US Army, led by Captain America
However, the German armed forces, led by the Hydra   troops, soon recaptured much of the northern and central Italy. Captain America personally infiltrated the Italian base of Baron Zemo, the leader of HYDRA, from which Zemo intended to unleash the dreaded Virus X against the Allies."

The lie is openly revealed.  There were NO NAZI forces.  Germany took the blame via this "Hitler" myth to aid in the cover up. Forces came from Italy and Germany -caught in their own lies again: No mention of Japan!! And it was the Allies -the United States (we learn again that every country "claims" to have fought against the,uh, 'Nazi' but in fact it was only the US led by Captain America -as shown in that Captain America documentary film.

Was "Virus X" like some kind of bird flu or AIDS because that would explain a lot.

But Europe again.  HAIL UKIP!!

oops. Sorry.

I also learn: "Norway is a country in EUROPE" and that "Slovakia is a European  country" -you seeing the pattern here??  But it gets worse. Europe has gained control of the UK. I am NOT kidding. Read this:

"United Kingdom of Great Britain is a country off the coast of Europe. It consists of four countries; England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland. The capital city is London . It is the home of the hero known as the Black Knight."

Okay, I knew about the Black Knight but FOUR countries???? And we are classed as "off the coast of Europe"?? Wait...Caesar and Claudius were Romans which is like Italians!!! And the Vikings -Europeans! Franks and Saxons...GERMANS!!!!


I whole-heartedly support UKIP because it seems that, despite all the media censorship (and I bet they have Hydra money in their pockets) UKIP is the only party telling the truth! Nigel Farrage is MY Captain Britain.

I mean, look at what Europe has to offer as 'heroes' -Sliver, Tumult, Tiger and THE BABY KILLER!! I am not joking -a child who has had the brain of a war-mongering 60 year old Russian (Europe!!) general placed in his body.  A psychotic, killing Russian called "The Baby Killer" -you cannot make this stuff up!!

And WHO has to try to control them all? Sadly, no, not Nigel Farrage but the UKs Black Knight.

You can read more here:

In the 1980s Spider-man went to Northern Ireland where we learnt that the 'British' army wore wholly WW 2 US uniforms and drove around the heavily bombed city scape of Belfast.  Again, we learn that the images of British Army troops were faked. It was the US Allies.  And I learnt my first Irish swear word -screamed out by a terrorist: "Meadow Muffins!" (APOLOGIES for the language).

And      and      and           and        and        I have one of my headaches and nose bleeds again....

What was I writing?

Oh yes, uh, Marvel Comics is a truly great mouth-piece for the freedom, peace-mongering nation of the United States of America which.....well, let the wiki explain it more more up their own mindless asses succinctly than I ever could:

"United States of America

"The United States of America is a superpower nation composed of 50 American states. …" 

"United States Military The United States Military is the armed forces of the United States of America. History Much is quite known about the United States…"

You see: "...much is quite known"  about the US America yes but in the UK, striving to fend off Europe, we are lied to and .....oh, I get so angry.

aw.....nose bleed again......

Anyway, the one thing I have learned from Marvel fan wikies, forums (WHY was I checking out Marvel forums??) and the company itself, is that its a company run by people with no ideas and their arses substituting for their brains (and we know what comes out of botties, don't we?) and their fans appear to all be ill educated, possibly moronic red-neck racists.

Don't get me wrong -I'm just going by Marvel Comics here.  DC I won't even go near.  Makes me know..."dirty".  DIRTY! DIRTY! DIRTY!!


I need to get out more.  Have sex. not take drugs.....but I think the same could be said of the folk at Marvel...though I suspect a few drugs HAVE affected their brains.

Anyway -peace and love!




  1. Yes, I can understand why you have a nose bleed. I hope to some extent that you're joking about this, but, sadly, I'm sure you're not. I cannot really comment as I haven't ( and have no intention to ) read the comic - but Mikhail Zamoaska 'The Baby Killer' ? That just doesn't work on so many levels. Let's see some golden age stuff, PLEASE, Terry - just to make the nightmare stop ! Take it easy.

  2. If they had used the correct term to denote a young, fresh faced person then "The Baby Faced Killer" would have been okay -I think Cagney played a "baby-faced" gangster. Sorry, thinking about it all again....sorry. Blacked out there. Nope, all the things are QUOTES and the characters..."Tumult" -a loud, confused noise, especially one caused by a large mass of people.....I went again then -did you notice? And I....oh, I seem to have involuntarily released both bladder and bowel....there's a common denominator here. Oh, they never said if the UK is off the West or East coasts of Europe. Damn.
