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Terry Hooper-Scharf

Friday 1 August 2014

Honestly, You Lose A Computer Cable....

....tear a box apart looking for it but can't find it.  However, you do -or, rather, I do- find more old art. When I was drawing one day my five year old niece came into the room. She looked at my artwork, put her hand on my shoulder and leaned in while shaking her head:

"If you want to sell comics you've got to draw bigger boobies!"

I said I wouldn't.  She turned to walk away: "Alright. I told you so!"

******.  Five years old and she had the industry sussed did little Inge.  Anyway, I did a 24 pager of single illoes for a publisher who then AWP'd (Absconded Without Paying).  Devilina it was called. Big boobs.  I think I've already posted one of her holding Mr Komica over a bath of custard?  So here is one other page I kept which is pre-lettering:

Devilina(c)2014 T. Hooper-Scharf

The other piece was from a long forgotten 1995 catalogue of zines and comics I was selling:

(c) 2014 T. Hooper-Scharf

The other item is the basic sketch of the Owl Man about to attack The Panther.  No, not Marvel Comics Panther but the original created years before by Australian Paul Wheelahan and new stories were published in the late 1990s by Kevin...Kevin Patrick.  I should remember as I published his interview with Paul in volume 1 no. 4 of Comic Bits!

I think I've shown the full colour illo but here is that "basic".

Art (c)2014 T. Hooper-Scharf.  The Panther (c) 2014 Paul Wheelahan.

Funny what you find in old boxes.  Never ever money, though!


  1. Big...boobies....big...ah...I should have realized... but how do I put big boobies on Iron Warrior ? It just doesn't look right... but... if they can change Thor to a woman, I can god damn give it my BEST SHOT !
    Terry, go on ! Send me some scans of Devilina. I'll re-ink them and maybe you can sell them as posters or prints at the Mart (or the next one ). What the hell ! Big breasts.Give the punters what they want !

  2. To be honest I am totally against sexing female characters up. Always have been. What did Andrew Hope say "You draw really attractive but normal women" BUT now the comic company want the latest sub-porn pose for their scantily clad or bondaged up female character. "Video Hoes" and "Comic Hoes" is the norm. And a FIVE YEARS OLD GIRL knew what comics were doing 15 or so years back. Sometimes I get disgusted at comics. Not heped by drawing a REALLY sad page for green skies last night.

  3. ME drawing the female characters. I didn't make that clear.

  4. And the page count of Green Skies as of today, Sunday 3rd August is...............217! That means my idea that it could get up to 400 pp is looking reasonable. I'll have to think about some of what I'm doing...serialise then a big book? eeeeeh.
