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Terry Hooper-Scharf

Wednesday 6 August 2014

I Had A Solution For World Peace But Typed This Post And Forgot It!!

When you get under the weather (that's unwell to those who do not parlez the Anglisch!) you start to look at things afresh.

I had to ask myself whether I would work for another publisher considering how badly and crookedly I've been dealt with in the past?  I guess that, if the project was fun (hard work is fun) and I was being paid then, yes, I would. A publisher tries messing me about by not paying now I have so many ways of making their lives a misery outside of letting many thousands know, via CBO, what's going on.

Reviving a certain UK comic...hmm. Well, I have a list of UK 'professional' creators who would not be allowed to even be thought of as a potential contributor (they dug their own graves -and with the rumours I'm being told they circulated at a recent Birmingham convention its such a deep grave they must have fallen straight into Hell!).  The real wealth lies in self-publishing, of course!

I was asked why I'm not any UK comics forums...seriously?  No.  The UK forums are full of nasty little, vitriolic turds and not just in the comics industry.  People who are honest and knowledgable on British TV/film and theatre comedy I've seen attacked with some of the nastiest remarks: "Hopefully he'll die young or someone will put him out of his misery earlier" and that's the nice comment.  Cowards like to use the internet because they think a dumb-ass pseudonym (that, in case they read this, means A FAKE NAME) protects them.  That shows just how incredibly dumb they are.  Your ISP is revealed as soon as you start typing and using the local library or internet cafe computer....really -REALLY-??? That does NOT hide who used the computer and if you have no idea HOW it identifies you....phew. You are dumb.

In the old days letters of comment were okay but you got a few anonymous nasty ones that went straight in the bin.  Today you just report morons to the blog servers and if the ISP number keeps popping up one talks to the other and the ISPs suspend or send formal warnings to the offenders.

Of course, the main reason these 'professionals' take their time out to launch these tirades is simple. They are not getting any work -that or the work they do is so small and basic that they have plenty of time on their hands!

And in the past, when I've posted about relatively unknown UK publishers on UK forums and even two well known yahoo British comic groups, I've had the "Well, who cares? I don't think that publisher matters!" or "I don't think they contributed anything to British comics!" and all this followed by "Any more Dandy, Bean or Lion comics going to be posted?"  So, pronouncements from people who have never even read the comics I refer to and who do not, revealed by their very clear ignorance, know ANYTHING about UK comics or the history thereof.

So, like any sensible professional, I do not waste my time. I write, draw, edit, letter and publish my own books and in doing so have published more work in a year than these 'professional' turds have in a thirty plus year 'career' of ass-licking.

It makes you realise that, in the end, there is only one person you CAN rely on in this 'industry' and that is yourself.  You get out there and talk to comic folk -the comic fans who buy comics (there are fewer at events these days since everything basically became merchandise or cos-play orientated) because they are the people that matter and not the asses.

Crap! I started typing this and had an idea in my head for world Its gone.  ahh, I'll leave that sort of thinking up to the....uh, Thinker.

In other news, since June 2013 I have lost over 21 lbs in weight (1.5 stones).  Snake-hips is back...almost

Perhaps HE was right....


  1. You lost HOW much weight ??? Terry, you've got to take more care if yourself. Talk to your doctor about this.

  2. Jeez. I'm diabetic and been trying to lose weight so this is nothing. What worries me is a 7.30PM call from the doctor telling me "not to worry" but two of my meds interact badly ("We've just been advised") so I need to get one changed. Fair enough....IN TWO WEEKS I get to see a doctor to discuss this!!! THAT is worrying. Medical incompetence from one doctor to another, I may need to draw a comic about this one day!

  3. Or give a doctor a quick kick in the goolies.

  4. The Court Order says quite specifically: NO VIOLENCE toward medical 'professionals'!

  5. Insist on seeing a doctor sooner. Two weeks taking the wrong mix of, or trying to not take, medicines can really be a problem. Insist. This is their responsibility.

  6. Have to have by bloods taken Monday and they need those for the diabetes and whatever and they take about two weeks. And, no, this is the NHS...earlier appointment...!!!!!!
