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Terry Hooper-Scharf

Friday 1 August 2014

Is It A Bird? Is It A Plane? No, Its....Howard the Duck making a movie comeback???


Now, I still have a contact (ooooh) at Marvel Comics and he mentioned that there has been some CGI art of Howard The Duck seen "in the big guys office".

Howard The Duck?  I know the 1980s film was derided (though I thought it was fun) but could it be? Could HTD be about to make a movie come-back?

No idea but it would be interesting...oh, and some Hulk movie storyboards have been seen.....hmmmm.


  1. I liked Howard the Duck in it's comic form. I read some reprinted in black and white a looong time ago and I was impressed with the art.I forget who was doing the art work now, but it was someone notable - Sal Buscema ? With some dramatic heavy black inking. The stories were fun, as I recall. Send ups on the super hero genre with some social commentary, too. I didn't see the old movie - but, with the basic cancelling of Ant Man - oops, delay - Marvel/Disney/whoever still want a humour element to their growing line. So...the return of Howard the Duck...? Why the duck not ?

  2. Gene Colan did some great black and white work on the comic. Ant-Man cancelled? Nah. They had the stars (Douglas and people I do not remember the names of) at San Diego Comic Con and it was a bit embarassing to hear Douglas reel off the scripted "Ant Man was created in 1963 by Stan Lee....Marvel publicity Marvel publicity..." But, hey, he's been in Hollywood long enough to know the score though.....
