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Terry Hooper-Scharf

Tuesday 12 August 2014

The Difference Between Marvel And DC...I say nothing!

Someone sent me this but no details on where it came from. Anyone know?

Funny though.  Even if Marvel are money-grabbing Disney gits I think DCs total lack of direction and management shows.  Look at ALL the Marvel news from SDCC -film and comic and DC news...DC were there, right?



  1. Hmm... lemme see if I get this straight. DC has no new ideas and is stuck in a kind of 70's early 80's white male parallel universe... and Marvel will do anything for money. What ticks me off - I said it before -this is COMIC CON. Why is there so much attention on movies that haven't even been made yet ? Still 2 years away FFSake. Comics, PLEASE. Comics.... or you're not a Comic event... just a lame stand in for the Emmies or the Grammies or whatever to get some pre-PRE-advertising. .......

  2. Ha Ha Ha. Its an unfair thing really because DC Comics has black characters -Cyborg, Black lightning...hmm. I can list off a dozen black Marvel characters straight off but only two DC -I think DC likes to think they've cornered the Hispanic market. DC really does still have that mindset of the 1970s/1980s though. Marvel...yeah. What was that TV line in Robocop? "I'll sell that for a dollar!" And SDCC IS basically a trade show that lets the public in at a high ticket cost.DC and Marvel its not about comics but grabbing every cent.
