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Terry Hooper-Scharf

Tuesday 12 August 2014

X-Men Cancelled? Fans To Blame. Fantastic Four Cancelled? Fans To Blame.

I'm hoping everyone read that Vox posting about why Marvel wants the X-Men movies to die...and why mutant story-lines turn into Avenger story-lines?

Disney, sorry, Let's be honest there is only a figure-head product that uses that name. Disney makes all the decisions and controls the strings very firmly.  Disney is a money-leech.  Yes, its business is entertainment.  Business.  And the one thing above all else that Disney worships (with the exception of Uncle Walt's frozen head) is money.

I think the Vox article was very clear in why Disney wants the X-Men films to fail and, I have no doubt, would cancel the X-Men titles if they wanted.  Vox:

This anxiety came to a boil late last month when Tom Brevoort, Marvel's Senior Vice-President of Publishing, was asked by a fan on Tumblr why there wasn't more of an effort to market the X-Men when there are projects like a Guardians cartoon on the way:
"Why isn't there any X-Men cartoons? Why wasn't there any licensing for DOFP. WHY isn't there Goldball toys or any new X-Men toys? Oh and of course No real X-News at the Cup o Joe panel. Thanks foe [sic] your time."
Brevoort responded, stating that Marvel didn't see the need to promote the X-Men (or other titles that the company isn't getting the full revenue from):
You're talking about issues involving licensing and animation, and those are questions you'd need to ask to our people that oversee those areas.
I will say two things, though, both of which are pretty self-evident, I think.
1) There are only so many hours in the day, and so many initiatives you can have going at once,. So you need to pick and choose where you want to spend your time and your efforts.
2) If you had two things, and on one you earned 100% of the revenues from the efforts that you put into making it, and the other you earned a much smaller percentage for the same amount of time and effort, you'd be more likely to concentrate more heavily on the first, wouldn't you?

Which is exactly what I wrote a few weeks back:

None of this is about the fans or the comics -an X-Men writer (Bendis) even joked that X-Men fans always feel persecuted...let's get that quote from Vox:

"I was told when I started writing the X-Men that there is a very small part of the readership that feels very persecuted," Brian Michael Bendis, one of Marvel's star writers wrote in June, addressing rumors of an X-Men cancellation. "[T]hese readers think that Marvel hates the X-Men with a fiery passion and are looking to destroy it... so even though the best artists on the planet and franchise writers have been put in charge of this very important part of the Marvel universe, some people still think that Marvel is out to blow its own foot off," he added.

Bendis writes the wildly fun All-New X-Men comic. And devout X-Men fans would point you to the fact that All-New X-Men has curiously been a vehicle for crossovers with other Bendis comics like Guardians of the Galaxy (which Marvel owns the rights to) and Ultimate Spider-Man. 

So, he is -in his own opinion- one of the best writers on the planet (what he must do to a photo of himself in the toilet -that's a joke of sorts)!  Well.  Oh, right BUT he is incorporating more Disney "Marvel" rights characters into his X book?  Grease that pole.

Interesting, though, is the rumour that Fox might be willing to release its franchise for a huge sum. However,
I am sorry, fans, but you are not important.  Only your money is important.  And do you know who is to blame for all of this?  The fan.  Marvel, like DC, has churned out crap after crap after crap as "reboots" and the fans seem to think this is wonderful.  You are enabling an abuser.

Go to Marvel or DC panels at conventions or signings -you are say "Okay. We're fine with this" and, it will NEVER EVER HAPPEN, but if fans boycotted (that means did not go to) Marvel and DC events or signings and made their opposition to what was going on very vocal then both companies -DC and Disney "Marvel" would have to listen because that gives them negative publicity and means they are losing $s.

No, fans just drop their underwear, bend over the table and scream "Keep abusing me!"

It's a fact.

So, X-Men or the FF (which they are) get cancelled then its your fault.  You've allowed this and the money men at DC and Disney are asking, in the words of Lordi: "Who's Your Daddy?"

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