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Terry Hooper-Scharf

Wednesday 10 September 2014

A Timely Reminder

Well, it seems some folk have this idea that I suffer from short term memory loss. These include people who KNOW full well the position on review books.

CBO ONLY accepts hard copy books. Do NOT ask me to get a pdf from a file share site because I am NOT going to go through the process of joining another file share service.  Also, as was proved again recently, a lot of these share sites are used to try to launch virus attacks.  Oh, and, NO I will not accept a dvd for review, especially if it turns up out of the blue and all it says on the disc label is a titlevI've never heard of and "Review copy".

Just no.

DVDs, books, comics, etc., are reviewed based on actual copies. EVERYTHING I receive is reviewed whether it be from bigger companies or the Small Press.

Oh, that disc that turned up? Just went in the bin.

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