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Terry Hooper-Scharf

Tuesday 23 September 2014

Two Things Designed To Put Me In A Coma Of Disinterest.....

Ryan Reynolds (accolades include worst actor of his generation -I watched 40 minutes of Green Lantern) and Deadpool

Deadpool Creator 'Thrilled' About 2016 Movie

Deadpool creator Rob Liefeld has said he is ’Beyond Thrilled’ about the movie confirmed for 2016. 
Variety broke the news, confirming that Ryan Reynolds would return to the role he played in 2009’s X-Men Origins: Wolverine with director Tim Miller helming the movie from Rhett Reese and Paul Wernick’s script. 

Deadpool Creator 'Thrilled' About 2016 Movie
[Photo credit: 20th Century Fox]

Liefeld, who created the fan-favourite character in 1991, said: ”I am absolutely beyond thrilled that Deadpool has been officially announced!

"I’m thrilled for Tim Miller, Rhett Reese, Paul Wernick and Ryan Reynolds as well as all the guys at Blur Studio! This is a tremendous achievement for them! Rhett and Paul wrote a brilliant, and I don’t throw that word around loosely, a brilliant script!"

The filmmaking team is the same that has been pushing for the film to made for years, and who put together the Deadpool test footage that leaked online earlier this year. 

[Photo credit: 20th Century Fox]

"Audiences are going to go on the ride of their collective lives with this film as they envisioned it," continued Liefeld. "Tim Miller is a genius, he is brilliant as everyone who witnessed the leaked footage witnessed! There is so much more to come. Deadpool fans will freak out when they see all that Tim and the boys have in store for them.

"This is a huge triumph for all the fans that supported my work on New Mutants, X-Force over the years. The fans deserve this amazing gift from film makers who have proven they have what the fans desire. Very exciting!"

Deadpool will be released on 12 February 2016.

MY question has to be what remuneration Liefeld will get from Marvel over this? After all Tom Brevoort and others at the company have started more than one name-calling war with Liefeld but I guess Brevoort will sit there smiling and drone on about this great Marvel property because he likes it up the **** from his bosses. The man has no dignity.

Liefeld, on the other hand, has tended to come off with far more dignity. I even praised his standing up and revealing the dirty goings on at Marvel (which incurred Marvel AND DC bosses wrath -"hired help don't talk back!").

But a Deadpool movie?  No. No.  Just no.

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