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Terry Hooper-Scharf

Wednesday 29 October 2014

Hexagon Comics -It Might Be A French Company But You OUGHT To Be Paying Close Attention!

 Now for a while I've wondered what happened to Hexagon and Wanga comics.  If you are new here you may wish to check out my interview with Jean Marc Lofficer -naturally our French readers will want to!

And on the bus home from shopping, delayed by roadworks I wondered again.  So, turn on my computer and there is an email from Jean Marc!!

Wow.  And has he been busy.  So rather that hack and slash his email I'll reproduce it here with some added artwork.

PLEASE check the links because there is some incredible stuff!

 Anyway, over to Jean-Marc:

Hi Terry,

I thought I would briefly update you on what;'s going on with Hexagon Comics.

I'll start by providing you with a "table of contents" here on our French Riviere Blanche site which lists & details pretty much all of what follow

1) The "classic reprint" tpb line à l Marvel Essentials or DC Showcase continues monthly, and strongly. There are now 40+ volumes.

2) We've added licensed prose volumes, more specifically two novels (featuring the Hexagon Group -- our "aveners") and two short story collections, also available as e-books.

3) We've added a licensed RPG (separate link):

4) I'm afraid we've terminated the Wanga license (amicably) and regrouped all the STRANGERS titles under our own banner. This now includes three TPBs, STRANGERS 0 (a collection of prologue stories), STRANGERS Season 1 TPB and STRANGERS Season 2 TPB (ewhich collects all 7 single comics put out by Wanga + an 8th new story)

5) We've embarked on STRANGERS Season 3 in the form of 48-page, b&w, squarebound monthly "prestige format" books -- 7 issues have been released so far. Here is a link to a cover gall;erry of past & future issues:

6) Parallel to STRANGERS, we're also doing a line of color comics featuring "LE GARDE REPUBLICAIN" (in English: Guardian of the Republic) -- 3 issues so far + an Annual coming out for Xmas.

7)There are a few other odds & ends such as a DICK DEMON hardcover, a WWII story (Les Partisans) and the forthcoming Kabur color graphic novel (also hardcover).

8) Finally, we've begun uploading our vast catalog on comixology:

Our 2015 program is quite full already; let me know if you have any questions!


We  do have two recent books in English, that can be ordered through our site, amazon etc. or in e-media on comixology:


I've had a quick look at the site and must admit I got very excited. I think I'm going to have to start saving those pennies now!

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