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Terry Hooper-Scharf

Tuesday 7 October 2014

Titan Books: Bart Simpson Annual 2015

Writers: Earl Kress, Mary Trainor, Tom Peyer, John Zakour et al
Artists: Mike Decarlo, Ken Wheaton, James Lloyd, Andrew Pepoy, Nina Matsumoto et al
Dimensions: 285 x 216 mm
full Colour
Publication date: 5 September 2014
 ISBN: 9781783294497

He’s yellow — but he sure ain’t mellow! Everyone’s favourite antisocial prankster, Bart Simpson, returns in another collection of hilarious, brain-bending adventures in his very own annual, filled to the brim with brand new comic strip misbehaviour!

Okay, there is one thing I find annoying about The Simpsons and that is constant credits to Matt Groening.  Yes, he created the characters so, yes, credit there.  But does he do the animation? No.  On the first page of all the strips in this annual is the "Matt Groening" signature. "Created by" would be better because Groening does not contribute creatively to this annual.  All those responsible are named above.

I had thought that content would be quite lame for an annual but I was wrong.  Still some risque stuff here.  I loved Bart and Milhouse attempting to get super powers and their problems with a group of intelligent chimps -I'm guessing that in Springfield chimps are bound to be more intelligent than the general population. Oh, there is the usual bullying problems, problems with cops...and, uh, teachers. Now who could be at the centre of all these problems?

You did check the annual title, right?

At least Bart gets to be school principle.  Don't ask.  Just buy the annual and with 72 pages this ought to keep the kids (whatever age) happy!


  1. Sorry. Off topic ( what's new ?) just noticed 19 members. Maybe your time at the mart wasn't wasted ?

  2. Well,nothing to do with CBO at the event so it could just be from Google+ where I have 19 followers and 783,096 views. None of it earns me money so I never bother! Oh, just sent you a letter so let's see how long that takes to get to Japan!

  3. Hey ho. Just found your blog and am trying to figure out how to subscribe. Two of your books are interesting...the omnibus of your golden age UK comics and Return of the Gods. I couldn't find them on Amazon, but did see I could get them thru Are they shipped by you then? I've been collecting since 1966, but don't know much about UK collecting or comics outside Gerry and Sylvia is like an alternate universe of comics for an old yank. I hope to learn about this thru your site. Take care now and I'll making an order soon. Cheers, John Morris

  4. Hi, John.
    Welcome aboard! No, basically you order from so if you are based in the UK the book is printed by the nearest of the two printers they use and shipped to you. If you were near Bristol I'd say wait and buy at the November expo! At 400 odd pages the Golden Age collection is big but I can guarantee you'll definitely not find a similar UK Golden Age collection anywhere.
    Yes, if you've followed Captain Scarlet, Thunderbirds and the other Century 21 titles and step away from there then comics really are like an alternate fact, if it was that might explain a few things!
    Any questions then I'm happy to try to answer them.
    take Care
