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Terry Hooper-Scharf

Sunday 9 November 2014

Mumble mumble apple crumble as I stumble

A case in point about European BD reviewed on CBO.   

Casterman BDs  Le Transperceneige - L’Intégrale(Collection)which I reviewed here has not been out of the top ten post hits since August, 2013.  And I know for a fact people bought the book based on the review.

It is a very nice book but why this one in particular has been so popular....I leave that up to your guess-work!

Reviews of German comics from NextArt also regularly get high hits.  

Seriously, a lot of French and German readers seem to visit CBO and I just feel I'm letting them down by carrying no reviews of comics from their respective countries.

That said, my postings on comics and German reprints of UK material such as Kobra do keep getting the views.

And to answer the questions from other groups: "Why no Spanish Comics?" and "Why no Italian comics?" and the ever popular "Why no comics from the Nederlands?" all I can say is: I simply cannot review what I don't get.

Some people think that I can snap my fingers and companies send their books (if only!) but it's rather like the Small Press and Independent comics: complaints that no one will seriously review/publicise their books but do they send them to CBO where I will review them?  No.

It's voluntary. And I really DO seem to offend people when I say no pdf will be used to review. I get tired of explaining why so now I just say "Cus its MY rules -MY blog!"  

Why do I scare people?

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