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Terry Hooper-Scharf

Monday 8 December 2014

32 Years In The Making -In His Cups!

After 32 years in the making, Phil Elliott is  now ready to release a complete collection of his legendary Tales from Gimbley.

In His Cups is a complete collection of Phil Elliott’s comic strip, Tales from Gimbley that appeared in a wide variety of self-published comics, small press comics and those published by the likes of Escape in the UK and Fantagraphics books. 184 pages featuring the eponymous everyman, Dave Gimbley.

This is the first time that all these comic strips have been published together.

Gimbley recounts tales from his youth including his one-night stand with the Mona Lisa; a fight to the death with a sumo wrestler; deconstructing a de stijl chair; being an integral member of a Performance Art piece; meeting the Holy Man and many other surreal, humorous and often poignant adventures.

The book and ebook are only available via the lulu marketplace - 


  1. Well there's another one for the Xmas list, cheers for that.

    Incidentally, wouldn't it be a wonderful thing if Escape made a comeback?

  2. Hi. Well, I never knew until Phil told me that Slave Labor Graphics had published a collected Second City (Harrier Comics) book! Paul kept talking about a new Escape magazine but it never happens. I need to contact him so I'll ask....again!
