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Thank You

Terry Hooper-Scharf

Tuesday 23 December 2014


1,040,165 on Google+ so THANK YOU once again.

And once again....isn't there any money in this for me????


  1. I am slowly catching up with things - the Don't let the bastards Grind You Down X'mas card was spot on. It's easy to let things get on top of you when you've been knocked about a bit. But that's really the time to say "No - fuck it. I'm not changing who I am." I'm sticking something in the post
    tomorrow - sadly it's not a special package - but hopefully something you can sell. Signing off before the internet drops out again . Merry X'mas !

  2. "Sticking something in the post tomorrow" -What a day for sticking a cucumber through the vicar's letter box and shouting 'The Martians Are Coming'!"

  3. Just back from the PO. Sorry, I've done an interview with Labbat and written a letter, both of which I know are screwed - simply medicine problems. Anyway; back to work - oh. and the Martians aren't coming, as you'd know if you'd seen that fine documentary film; "They're here... They're HERE !" I won't write any more because I'm not all in one piece yet. I'll write later. Happy X'mas.
