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Thank You

Terry Hooper-Scharf

Thursday 1 January 2015

Démon Puncher de Dieu: Merriwether!


  1. I can't focus enough to read these yet but it's good to see them in German and French ! Looks like fun ( but hard work - translation is a bugger - I know ! ) Got a lot of blogs to read through - so I'll comment later - but I thought I'd let you konw ( ' the bleedin' obvious ' but I think it needs to be said ) " 2014 was a massive postings year. Of your total CBO posting ( 2416 since 2010 ) last year's total was about 48.3%. That is; 2014's total posting was almost the same as your COMPLETE postings from 2010 through 2013 ! That's astonishing and needs a round of applause. ( Clapclap clapclap clap ). Back to the couch.

  2. just a thought while I'm between classes - I'll send the next strip in two formats - scripted, and only art. That'll give you the option of lettering for a different language without having to 'cover' the speech balloons. thought finshed, back to it.

  3. German translation ain't bad. French, though....don't think badly of me but "Mourir!" ("Die!") was a word I knew. I've picked up a few over the years. THAT many postings?? So it wasn't "the other thing" making my eyesight and right hand bad? Phew.

  4. Don't forget that I only actually started using this Blogger account properly in 2013 after I got screwed over the WordPress CBO. I think there was a total of 175 views when I jumped CBO to Blogger so that aint a bad headcount and Google+ leapt up by over 2000 yesterday. Still not rich, though.
    Tomorrow (Saturday) I am sending a company a proposal but I always think "they'll say no" HOWEVER, it would be nice to get a "maybe" or "Yes" as the only two people working on it would be thee and I.
    If I can get the energy I'll write a letter next week. ;-)

  5. Another question: HOW are you seeing the number of posts I've made????

  6. Okay. Being a dullard. Yearly/monthly number on Home Page..........I needs me some rest.....or a real good woman....housework -tut!
